What is Design?
The whole or part of a product is formed by various elements or features perceived by human senses such as line, shape, shape, color, texture, material or flexibility.
Visuality has a great influence on the purchase of the product or service of consumers. Designs play an active role in consumers’ product preferences. An important part of the efforts for prestige and branding goes through the appearance of the products that carry originality and quality.
If you do not register your original design, third parties can use your design.
Industrial design applications are also national. If you plan using your design in other countries, you should make applications for registration in each country.
In coordination with our partners with whom we have been cooperating for many years, we offer consultancy and agency services on these issues.
With International and Regional Agreements, your application cost can be reduced abroad.
1 - Design Follow-up
By following the Official Industrial Design Bulletins and applications registered in our system, our companies are given information by comparing products similar to the designs of our clients.
2-Design Renewals
Registered industrial design are renewed in every 5 years. We will follow up the renewal periods and inform you about that. Afterwards, necessary renewal procedures will be made.